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MP3 & Audio Software > Audio Production & Recording Software

AV Audio Morpher 6.0.4

Description: Morph and add special effects to audio files.
Version: 6.0.4
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Publisher: AVSOFT
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 33.77 mb.
File name: audio-morpher-mpm-cnt.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 07:02
Download, 33.77 mb.

Dictionary - Play, rip, convert, burn, morph, add effects to, and record audio files. Opal-Import Multiple vCards to Outlook - Morph voice, mix effects, change the tempo, and edit and convert audio files. AV Music Morpher - Morph voice, mix effects, change the tempo, and edit and convert audio files. The Witcher demo - Add special effects to your videos on your Windows 8 device. FotoFun for Windows 8 - Add special effects and make your images more interesting. AlsoGet - Add special effects to your videos on your Windows 8 device. CamMask - Add thousands of incredible special effects into your Webcam pictures. CryptoForge - Crop, zoom, create borders, and add special effects. Microsoft IntelliPoint Driver (64-bit) - Mix, edit, and add effects to your audio files.
