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Developer Tools > Interpreters & Compilers

Agena 1.12.9

Description: Create scientific, educational, or linguistic applications using a procedural programming language.
Version: 1.12.9
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Publisher: Agena
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 3.88 mb.
File name: agena-1.12.9-win32-setup.exe
Release: 20.07.2015 06:58
Download, 3.88 mb.

Agena Portable - Offer procedural programming language to scientific, educational, or linguistic applications. Xojo - Create Web applications by using a single programming language. YunGO - Develop Web applications using graphical page builder and Basic programming language. Mini Cheque Printer - Develop Web applications using graphical page builder and Basic programming language. X-Wave MP3 Cutter Joiner - Create games with this visual programming language designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. LAN Search Pro - Create games and multimedia applications without programming skills and knowledge. Pika Software Builder - Create Windows programs and applications without any programming or coding knowledge. DeliaWin - Create database applications to manage your personal or business tasks without programming. Java In Easy Steps - Watch and learn Java programming language.
