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Auction Tote Board 2.0.11

Deskrizzjoni: Transform your PC into a virtual auctioneer tote board.
Verżjoni: 2.0.11
Pjattaforma: Windows
Sistema operattiva: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Pubblikatur: PC Scoreboards
Limitazzjonijiet: Screen NAG
License: Liberu li tipprova
Prezz: Free to try (Nag screen); $325.00 to buy (Buy it now)
Rekwiżiti: Xejn
File daqs: 2.07 mb.
Fajl isem: AuctionToteBoard211.exe
Rilaxx: 20.07.2015 04:46
Niżżel, 2.07 mb.

Simple Touch Dice for Windows 8 - Allow you to roll the virtual dice for classic board games. Soccer Scoreboard Pro - Transform inti PC fis-Soccer Tabella virtwali. Safety Scoreboard for Multiple Locations - Transform PC fi tabella ta 'valutazzjoni tas-sikurezza virtwali. TimeStamp - Transform your PC into a virtual singing machine. Desktop Whiteboard - Place a virtual board to your desktop express creative ideas. Othello - Play strategy board game for two players on an 8x8 uncheckered board. Synchredible - Synchronize folders tiegħek u drives b'mod faċli u malajr. Network LookOut Administrator Pro - Ara iskrins utenti u jieħdu l-kontroll ta 'kompjuter remot permezz tal-kontroll mouse u keyboard. Virtual Drive Creator - Create virtual drives or Virtual CD-ROMs.
