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MP3 & Audio Software > Audio Production & Recording Software

Audacity Portable 2.0.3

Description: Scan multiple photos at once using a flatbed scanner.
Version: 2.0.3
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Publisher: PortableApps
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 19.85 mb.
File name: AudacityPortable_2.0.3.paf.exe
Release: 21.07.2015 17:57
Download, 19.85 mb.

BatchScanPlus - Scan your books on flatbed scanners. JetBoost - Scan multiple photos with different settings all at the same time. QuickScan - Scan images from your scanner and save. QuickScan Portable - Scan images from your scanner and save. Scan Redirector RDP Edition - Scan files from scanner from remote computer. Photo 3D Album - Scan, send, and receive faxes with a scanner and a modem. Accent Excel Password Recovery - Scan, send, and receive faxes with a scanner and a modem. iMapBuilder Interactive HTML5 Map Builder - Build your own 3D scanner using a Web cam and laser and scan objects inexpensively. Easy Window Closer - Build your own 3D scanner using a Web cam and laser and scan objects inexpensively.
