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Entertainment Software > Music Software

BandBro 5.0.5

Description: Create and manage set lists and gig itineraries for working bands and musicians.
Version: 5.0.5
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8
Publisher: Rosette Software
Limitations: 30-day/80-song title trial
License: Free to try
Price: Free to try (30-day/80-song title trial); $49.95 to buy
Requirements: None
File size: 22.98 mb.
File name: BBSetUpPak505.exe
Release: 18.07.2015 23:26
Download, 22.98 mb.

Atlence Resistor Viewer - Display the value of resistors based on their color bands (4, 5 or 6 bands) and vice versa. Another Reminder - Set up task lists with due dates and create personal notes. Sofasession - Create music by collaborating with other musicians online. Song Management System - Manage songs and words projection for today's church worship groups/teams and bands in general. SmartRig Pro - Create companion for guitarists, musicians, and professional sound designers. List2Do for Windows 8 - Create and manage lists from your Windows 8 device. ListWee for Windows 8 - Create, manage, and share lists from your Windows 8 device. Task2Do for Windows 8 - Create different lists and manage your tasks from Windows 8 device. The Shopper Information System - Create large shopping lists and manage your spending.
