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ChequeSystem 3.3.1

Deskrizzjoni: Ipprovdi kontroll istampar u l-ġestjoni soluzzjoni sħiħa.
Verżjoni: 3.3.1
Pjattaforma: Windows
Sistema operattiva: Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Pubblikatur: Evinco Solutions
Limitazzjonijiet: 25-verifika prova istampar
License: Liberu li tipprova
Prezz: Free to try (25-check printing trial); $97.50 to buy
Rekwiżiti: Xejn
File daqs: 42.92 mb.
Fajl isem: setup.exe
Rilaxx: 19.07.2015 07:36
Niżżel, 42.92 mb.

Conexant 56K Modem - Capture and manipulate a screen portion and compare two texts or two images. Animoby Screen Capture - Capture snapshots of anything on your screen. Snappy Portable - Capture the entire desktop, the active window, a portion of the screen, or an object. Snappy - Capture the entire desktop, the active window, a portion of the screen, or an object. Awesome Screen Capture - Capture snapshots of screen easily. Anrpro Screen Capture Tool - Capture and edit snapshots of your screen. Citrix XenConvert (64-bit) - Capture any active window or a rectangular portion of it. GoldLeo MP3 Tag Editor - Capture any portion of a page and annotate it with different shapes. Clipboard-Save-As - Capture any active window or a rectangular portion of it.
