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Business Software > Database Management Software

ChurchInfo 1.2.13

Description: Track members, families, groups, pledges and payments of your church.
Version: 1.2.13
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows NT/2000/XP/7/8
Publisher: ChurchInfo Open Source Team
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: Any server: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server or MacOS or Linux
File size: 3.15 mb.
File name: churchinfo-1.2.13.zip
Release: 21.07.2015 10:50
Download, 3.15 mb.

Charlie the Duck - Track your church's members, contributions, and pledges. Do Your Data Recovery for iPhone - Track your church's members, contributions, and pledges. PsychReport - Manage unlimited number of church members and their activities and track donations and pledges. Church Scheduler - Help churches to track members, pledges, and payments. Shluchim Synagogue Management - Track your synagogue's members, donations, and pledges. ChurchPack Organizer Pro - Manage the details of members in your church. Church Membership Manager Lite - Manage unlimited Church members. Church Secretary - Record and report family and member information for all church members. DirCreator Command Line - Create structured directories with groups and members.
