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Utilities & Operating Systems > File Management

Copy Multifiles 1.1

Description: Copy or move multiple files in different folders.
Version: 1.1
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 7/8
Publisher: Tranthaiduong
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 0.34 mb.
File name: CopyMultiFiles.rar
Release: 18.07.2015 17:29
Download, 0.34 mb.

Directory Toolkit Portable (64-bit) - Copy, move, and rename different files and folders on your machine. Directory Toolkit Portable - Copy, move, and rename different files and folders on your machine. File Fisher - Copy/Move files of required extension easily with/without the folders. Adobe Version Cue CS3 SDK for Windows - Move, copy, and sync files and folders between your Pocket PC or Smartphone and computer. File Manipulator - Copy, rename, move, delete, compress, and encrypt files and folders on local or networked drives. Font Loader - Copy or move file and folders. CopyToFlash - Copy files or folders to multiple flash drives automatically. Mass Folder Manager Suite - Automatically copy/delete/rename/create multiple folders or folder structures. DataNumen Outlook Repair - Copy and move your files in a fast way.
