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Developer Tools > Software Installation Tools

ExeShield 5.0

Description: Create shareware versions of your applications.
Version: 5.0
Sehatra: Windows
Rafitra fikirakirana: Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: ExeShield
Fetra: Jereo ny famaritana
Fahazoan-dàlana: Free ny hanandrana
Price: Free ho fizahan-toetra (Jereo ny famaritana); $ 79,95 ny mividy
Requirements: Tsy misy
File size: 2.19 mb.
Anaran'ny fisie: exeshield-trial.exe
Halefa: 20.07.2015 19:49
Download, 2.19 mb.

Lords of Everquest single-player - Turn your applications into a shareware or demo edition. TrackMySoftware - Create trial versions of your applications, and handle registration and licensing needs. Licence Protector - Protect your new applications with licenses, demo, and time-limited versions. Palm Desktop - Install replacement for expired versions of Money Plus Essentials, Deluxe, and Premium versions. Geometry Dash - Install replacement for expired versions of Money Plus Essentials, Deluxe, and Premium versions. Turbo Software Submitter - Manaiky ny pad amin'ny jatony shareware toerana. Free SWF to MP4 Converter - Niova fo SWF antontan-taratasy ho MP4 Format. PE Viewer - Create virtual hard disk versions of your physical disks. Submit It 2000 - Automate the process of submitting shareware to software Web sites.
