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Educational Software > Genealogy Software

FamilyBookPro 6.74

Description: Build your family tree with advanced features.
Version: 6.74
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/7/8
Publisher: FamilyBookpro
Limitations: 30-day trial
License: Free to try
Price: Free to try (30-day trial)
Requirements: None
File size: 15.12 mb.
File name: FamilyBookPro8Setup.exe
Release: 18.07.2015 16:50
Update: 18.08.2015 15:05
Download, 15.12 mb.

GrampsAIO (64-bit) - Build and keep track of your family tree. Gramps AIO - Build and keep track of your family tree. Visual Family Tree Maker - Build and publish your family tree. Roots - Build your family tree fast and easy. Charting Companion for MyHeritage - Create unique and beautiful family tree charts from your MyHeritage tree. My Family Tree (64-bit) - Create your family tree with ease. Smart VectorImage - Create and publish your family tree. GenSmarts Trial - Research and analyze your family tree. ClrMamePro - Create your family tree with ease.
