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Utilities & Operating Systems > System Utilities

Flash Tweaker 3.0

Description: Customize your USB device connected to PC.
Version: 3.0
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Publisher: SubiSoft
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 0.11 mb.
File name: USBFlashTweak.zip
Release: 21.07.2015 14:51
Download, 0.11 mb.

Las Vegas Screensaver - Analyze your USB host controllers, USB hubs, and USB device activities. USBTrace - Analyze the USB bus and the devices connected to it. USBDeview - Scan your computer for USB devices that are currently connected. USBDeview (64-bit) - View all installed or connected USB devices on your system. Hard Disk No Stop - Prevent hard drives connected to USB docking stations from powering down due to inactivity. Logiccode GSM SMS Client - Send bulk SMS through GSM mobile or modem connected to PC via serial/USB/Bluetooth. Advanced USB Port Monitor - Capture, view and process USB Bus, USB Device, and Protocol. PicApport - View your photos on any device connected to your network. EDID Puller - Analyze and get EDIDs of the connected display device.
