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Fun Cam for Windows 8 Not available

Description: Plan your daily meals for weight loss and health maintenance.
Version: Not available
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows/8
Publisher: Technocrux
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File name: External File
Release: 17.10.2016 23:06
Download, 0 mb.

99 Days Weight Loss Challenge - Take the 99 Days Weight Loss Challenge and see how much you can lose. CookDiary - Manage all your favorite recipes, plan your meals, and even aid your cooking. Simple Weight Log for Windows 8 - Allow you to log and track metrics on your weight loss or gain progress. Chef for Windows 8 - Save recipes, create menus, and plan future meals from your Windows 8 device. Smart Shopping for Windows 8 - Create your shopping list, plan your meals, and find inspiration with hundreds of healthy recipes. Bodeefit for Windows 8 - Keep track of your daily Bodeefit body weight workouts. Newsbin Pro - Organize your recipes, plan meals, prepare grocery lists, create cookbooks, import web recipes. Shop'NCook Pro - Organize your recipes, plan meals, prepare grocery lists, create cookbooks, import web recipes. A Daily Planner - Plan daily tasks and to do lists.
