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Business Software > Applikazzjonijiet tan-negozju

Genetic Algorithm Framework 1

Deskrizzjoni: Record real time videos and capture screenshots of games.
Verżjoni: 1
Pjattaforma: Windows
Sistema operattiva: Windows/XP
Pubblikatur: Rubicite Interactive
License: Free
Prezz: Free
Rekwiżiti: Windows XP
File daqs: 0.29 mb.
Fajl isem: GA-Rubicite-Demo.zip
Rilaxx: 17.10.2016 20:07
Niżżel, 0.29 mb.

Realtek High Definition Audio - Record real time videos and capture screenshots of games. Lottery Analyzer Expert European - Capture screenshots and record videos of your screen. CaptureWizPro - Capture screenshots and record on-screen activities. Spy Keystroke Logger - Record all typed keystrokes and capture screenshots. AppLock - Capture screenshots and record screencasts from your screen. Light Shutter - Qbid screenshots f'intervalli ta 'żmien speċifikati. Keystroke Spy - Irreġistra keystrokes kollha u l-qbid screenshots ta 'attivitajiet utent. Buzof - Capture screenshots in high-def games and desktop, show fps and hot key tips. 15 Puzzle - Capture screenshots in high-def games and desktop, show fps and hot key tips.
