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HTML Validator 2.1

Description: Validate HTML documents from your Windows start menu.
Version: 2.1
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows/8
Publisher: Matthewmarillac.com
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File name: External File
Release: 19.07.2015 19:31
Download, 0 mb.

Netflix Queue - Customize your start menu with Windows start menu replacement. Free Audio Converter - Bring back "Start" menu for Windows 8/8.1 and advanced start menu for Windows XP/Vista/7 and 10. Start Menu Reviver - Add Start Menu to Windows 8 or enhance the Start Menu on your Windows 7 OS. StartGen - Create custom Windows start menu with 10 menu item types and advanced search options. Advanced Karaoke Player - Return start menu and start button behaving like the ones in Windows 7. StartIsBack+ - Return start menu and start button behaving like the ones in Windows 7. CandySoft iStartMenu - Bring back the Windows Start Menu to Windows 8 and boot Windows 8 to desktop directly. Spambog.com - Add a Start menu to your Windows 8 PC. StartMenu 8+ - Bring back classic Windows Start Menu for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
