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Ignite demo Not available

Deskrizzjoni: Create snapshots and track your computer's vital aspects.
Verżjoni: Not available
Pjattaforma: Windows
Sistema operattiva: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
Pubblikatur: Nemesys Games
License: Liberu li tipprova
Prezz: Liberu li tipprova
Rekwiżiti: Xejn
Fajl isem: ignite_demo.exe
Rilaxx: 17.10.2016 23:24
Niżżel, 0 mb.

Foto2Avi - Capture and save webcam snapshots as BMP's and JPG's automatically. Unit Converter - Keep track of your children's computer activities from anywhere. SurfSecret CD Rip & Burn - Support administrative aspects of the self-employed worker's business. WinDataReflector (64-bit) - Synchronize u back up fajls bl-paragun viżiv. WindowBlinds - Customize-dehra u sensazzjoni tal-Windows desktop interface ma 'ġlud. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (64-bit) - Track, report, and share vital information to reduce costs and increase productivity with improved communication. rOpti - Speed up your computer by releasing RAM and shutting down non-vital processes. Windows Live Photo Gallery - Take snapshots of anything on your computer screen. Mozilla Firefox 64-bit - Take snapshots of anything on your computer screen.
