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Business Software > Help Desk Software

Issue Tracking Organizer Deluxe 4.0

Description: Organize, track, and manage any kind of issues.
Version: 4.0
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/NT 4
Publisher: PrimaSoft PC
License: Free to try
Price: Free to try; $75.00 to buy
Requirements: None
File size: 6.76 mb.
File name: issuedlx.exe
Release: 21.07.2015 04:34
Download, 6.76 mb.

Issue Tracking Organizer Pro - Organize, track, and manage any kind of issues. SUDT SerialTrace - Track down and manage issues to enhance business productivity. TestTrack Pro - Track and manage defects, feature and change requests, customer issues, and other development tasks. Copy - Collect and organize any kind of data. Visitor Organizer Deluxe - Enter, manage, track, and organize your visitors. Religious Suite - Manage, organize, and track investigation details. Volunteer Organizer Deluxe - Organize, track, and manage your volunteers data. Volunteer Organizer Pro - Organize, track, and manage your volunteers data. Business Expense Organizer Deluxe - Track, organize, and manage various business and personal expenses.
