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M.M.D Multi.Map.Downloader 1.0

Opis: Load mape u bilo koje veličine od Google / Bing / OSM i pohraniti ih na svom PC-u.
Verzija: 1.0
Platforma: Windows
Operativni sustav: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Izdavač: Xteq-tools
Licenca: Besplatno
Cijena: Besplatno
Zahtjevi: Nijedan
File size: 1.23 mb.
File name: MMD_V1_00.zip
Oslobodite: 19.07.2015 18:22
Download, 1.23 mb.

Ultimate Maps Downloader - Preuzimanje mapa od Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps, ili OpenStreet Maps. GoogleMapsRipper - Preuzimanje karti Slike iz Google Maps, Bing Maps, i OpenStreet Karte. Maps Downloader For Google Satellite - Preuzimanje Satelitski, Hybrid, Teren Google, Bing, Yahoo Maps. Pro/WIZ Brick Creator - Store Google, Yahoo, and VE maps to local disk. HandyHTML Editor - Take Bing maps images automatically into your PC. MetaBlaster - Take Bing maps images automatically into your PC. Google Maps Keeper - Stvoriti prilagođene mape zasnovan na Google Maps. Easy Route - Pregledavati Google, Bing i Yahoo karta usluga. Fast Search by Surf Canyon for Firefox - Pronaći rezultate brže na Google, Yahoo, Bing i.
