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MP3 & Audio Software > Audio Production & Recording Software

MC Audio Recorder 2.4

Description: Record audio on your PC and perform text-to-speech conversion.
Version: 2.4
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 98/Me/XP/Vista/7/8
Publisher: MultiMedia Converters
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 1.36 mb.
File name: mc-audio-recorder-setup.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 14:26
Download, 1.36 mb.

FeyRecorder - Record audio and perform text-to-speech conversion. Active TTS Component - Add text to speech conversion to your program as well as audio conversion to Flash format. Jolix MP3 Recorder - Record audio from any source and save it in popular audio file formats convert text to speech. BitRope Recorder - Record audio and convert text to speech. LightMan Recorder - Record audio from any source on your PC and convert text to speech. ProCryptum - Speak any text aloud and create audio books with a text-to-speech converter. Hanso Recorder - Record any digital sound from PC and convert text-to-speech. MegaMind Recorder - Record sounds from any sound source and convert written text into speech. Movied W+ - Perform online translation of speech, scanned picture from the camera, and text from the keyboard.
