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Utilities & Operating Systems > Automation Software

MobileRunner 1.1

Description: Connect several mobile devices and realize automatic tests, compatibility tests, function tests.
Version: 1.1
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7
Publisher: Spasvo
Limitations: 15-day trial
License: Free to try
Price: Free to try (15-day trial)
Requirements: None
File size: 0.01 mb.
File name: Install_MobileRunner_1.1.0.0.rar
Release: 20.07.2015 21:00
Download, 0.01 mb.

iTestin for Windows 8 - Manage your cloud automation tests for mobile apps on real devices. AutoRunner - Execute repeated function and regression tests. Remote TestKit - Make real variation tests of application and Web site by actual remote devices from your desktop. PEST - Professional Exam System - Create your own tests and quizzes. OpenPFGW - Perform tests on specific forms. Teacher's Toolbox - Create tests and exercises for your students. Teachers Aid - Generate tests on any subject for students. LoadUI (64-bit) - Create, plan, and redistribute tests on PC. LoadUI - Create, plan, and redistribute tests on PC.
