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Communications > Web Phones & VoIP Software

NET SatisFAXtion Fax Server Carrier Edition 8.7.6001.573

Description: Provide VoIP fax solutions to customers and end users.
Version: 8.7.6001.573
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows/Server 2008
Publisher: FaxBack
License: Free to try
Price: Free to try
Requirements: None
File name: NS87-Download.EXE
Release: 21.07.2015 16:25
Download, 0 mb.

NET SatisFAXtion Fax Server Enterprise Edition - Provide a VoIP fax solution with cloud-based HTTPS Fax Trunks. Trusteer Mobile App (Secure Browser) - Provide end users with a secure mobile browser that ensures safe web access. Mizu VoIP SoftPhone - Make VoIP/SIP calls to users anywhere in the world. SharePoint Password Reset - Allow sharepoint end users to reset their password. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - Deliver help desk services to your end-users. TicketDesk - Enhance the communication between help desk staff and end users. pyCGNS - Gather tools and libraries for CGNS end-users. Pdf To Excel Converter 3000 - Ring up sales, track customers, and complete end-of-day business tasks. Quick Reporting Tool - Developer Module - Create and execute SQL query statements for end users.
