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Developer Tools > .NET

Regexator 1.0.4

Description: Create, test, and use .NET regular expressions.
Version: 1.0.4
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Publisher: PihrtSoft
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: .NET Framework 4
File size: 2.41 mb.
File name: regexator.zip
Release: 19.07.2015 05:40
Download, 2.41 mb.

.NET Regular Expression Designer - Learn, develop, and test regular expressions in .NET. RegEx Edit - Create, edit, and test regular expressions. ZZJ Editor - Create and edit regular expressions on PC. RegexBuddy - Create, analyze, and edit regular expressions. EX4 Protection Tool - Create regular expressions easily with patterns to match exactly what you want. GstarCAD (32-bit) - Create and edit commands, text files, macros, and regular expressions. PC-TV Free Satellite TV - Create and edit commands, text files, macros, and regular expressions. Wondershare Data Recovery - Create and edit commands, text files, macros, and regular expressions. Adobe Universal PostScript Printer Driver - Create and edit commands, text files, macros, and regular expressions.
