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Video Software > Video Capture Software

Screen To Gif 0.9

Description: Record a selected area of your screen and save as a animated gif.
Version: 0.9
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: Nicke Manarin
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: .Net Framework 4.0
File size: 0.19 mb.
File name: ScreenToGif 0.9 - Portable.zip
Release: 20.07.2015 02:36
Download, 0.19 mb.

WOW Thing Audio Enhancement for WinAMP - Capture the entire screen or selected area of the screen and save as JPG. Screen GIF - Grab an arbitrary screen area and then save directly as a GIF image file. Honeycam GIF Maker - Capture your computer screen and save it as animated GIF/WebP/WebM image files. Chat Video Recording - Record MSN, Yahoo, ICQ and Skype video, record full screen and any area of screen. Batch Sampler - Copy only the selected area of your screen. Agree Free DVD Ripper Platinum - Copy only the selected area of your screen. MakeShot - Take screenshots (selected area, or full screen), edit and upload them with two clicks. Water Desktop - Record full screen or any area of the desktop screen with mouse cursor's movement. i-Catcher Wildlife - Record, watch, and save Wildlife in your area.
