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Developer Tools > Specialized Tools

Squash Compression Storage Edition 3.1.9

Description: Decrease the storage requirements of data in your application.
Version: 3.1.9
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: Squash Compression
Limitations: 30-day trial
License: Free to try
Price: Free to try (30-day trial)
Requirements: None
File size: 7.5 mb.
File name: SquashCompressionSetup.zip
Release: 19.07.2015 00:50
Download, 7.5 mb.

Squash Compression Storage Edition (64-bit) - Decrease the storage requirements of data in your application. NCache - Cache .NET application data and improve application performance. SmartUtils Password SDK - Add secure random passwords generation, storage and verification functions to your application. StrongRecovery - Recover your data from any storage device. StrongRecovery Portable - Recover your data from any storage device. 9G Backup - Back up your data to a cloud storage. Novtel Self Storage - Manage self storage data and transactions. JPG Increase or Decrease Height and Width Software - Increase or decrease the overall height and width of multiple images. Shrink Multiple Images Software - Zoom out and decrease the overall height and width of multiple images.
