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Utilities & Operating Systems > Uninstallers

Super File Shredder 4.12

Description: Erase files and folders on your hard drive permanently.
Version: 4.12
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7
Publisher: Kakasoft
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 2.43 mb.
File name: FileShredder-Setup.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 16:11
Download, 2.43 mb.

ShredIt for Windows - Erase a hard drive, wipe a file permanently. Media Tools Wipe - Wipe disks and permanently erase data from your hard drive. Air Traffic Controller - Erase files and folders permanently beyond recovery. Remo File Eraser - Erase files and folders permanently beyond recovery. Robusta File Shredder - Erase files from your hard drive completely and securely. BitRecover MSG Converter Wizard - Erase hard drives, files, and folders. Remo Drive Wipe - Wipe off your hard drive data permanently. Roborub - Delete data permanently from the hard drive. Setup from USB - Remove sensitive data from your hard drive permanently.
