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Software edukattiv > Software lingwa

Tankan 2.02

Deskrizzjoni: Jimmemorizza-tifsiriet u qari ta 'karattri Ġappuniż.
Verżjoni: 2.02
Pjattaforma: Windows
Sistema operattiva: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Pubblikatur: Kylheku Software
Limitazzjonijiet: Xi karatteristiċi b'diżabilità wara 60 jum
License: Liberu li tipprova
Prezz: Free to try (Some features disabled after 60 days); $5.00 to buy
Rekwiżiti: Japanese fonts
File daqs: 5.23 mb.
Fajl isem: tankan-2.02.0000-installer.exe
Rilaxx: 19.07.2015 11:28
Niżżel, 5.23 mb.

MS Word Merge Tool - Write with Japanese characters without the need to memorize them. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 15 - Tindif PC tiegħek u jottimizzaw il-prestazzjoni tas-sistema. Oni demo - Learn Japanese characters using this interactive dictionary. IconKana - Tgħallem Ġappuniż ma '4,000 reġistrazzjonijiet u testijiet awdjo Ġappuniż u dak Ingliż. Kanji Book for Windows 8 - Convert between Japanese-English-Japanese on Windows 8 PC. Free Zip Opener - Convert and replace turkish characters on your documents with English characters. My Daily Readings - Record and track your medical readings. Define The Hashtag for Windows 8 - Allow you to find the Hashtag Meanings from your Windows 8 PC. Textual Analyzer - Discover new meanings of written texts through thorough analysis.
