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Komunalne i operativne sisteme > Sustav komunalne usluge

Tweak And Tune 1.1

Opis: Connect and synchronize your internal computer clock with atomic clock time servers.
Verzija: 1.1
Platforma: Windows
Operativni sustav: Windows XP/Vista
Izdavač: AceLogiX
Licenca: Besplatno
Cijena: Besplatno
Zahtjevi: Windows XP/2003 Server/Vista
File size: 0.87 mb.
File name: tnt.exe
Oslobodite: 17.10.2016 15:31
Download, 0.87 mb.

ndCurveMaster - Connect and synchronize your internal computer clock with atomic clock time servers. Absolute Time Corrector - Sinhronizacija sat računala sa atomskim satom poslužitelja. NTComic CBR Reader - Synchronize your system time with atomic clock servers. Elecard MPEG Player - Sync your computer time with atomic clock servers. Chronograph - Sinhronizujete PC sat pomoću atomskog sata u Nacionalni institut za standarde i tehnologiju. Schedule Generator - Synchronize with Internet time servers and keep your computer's clock correct. Global Time Synchronizer - Promjeni izgled standardni desktop sat i uskladiti vrijeme sa atomskim timeservers. YATS32 Yet Another Time Synchronizer - Sinhronizujte sat računara sa nekoliko vremenu servera. Mihov Picture Downloader - Keep your computer's clock running on the correct time, downloaded from highly accurate atomic clocks.
