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Video Software > Video Players

VLC for Windows 8 Not available

Description: Surf the Web by clicking URLs in convenient Internet Explorer menus.
Version: Not available
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 8/8.1
Publisher: VideoLAN Project
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File name: External File
Release: 18.07.2015 19:39
Download, 0 mb.

SW Hotspot - Access Internet and surf web anywhere you are. Ninjamask - Encrypt your Internet traffic and surf the Web anonymously. Tiny DHCP Server - Mount CD or DVD images by clicking at the image files in Windows Explorer. EzSalon - Take your bookmarks, surf internet, and experience the private web usage everywhere. Resource Hacker - Surf the Web, download files, and bypass Internet restrictions. Rufus Portable - Take your bookmarks, surf internet, and experience the private web usage everywhere. File2Email - Increase your Web sites' traffic and surf the Internet securely. USB Wireless 802.11 b/g Adaptor - Increase your Web sites' traffic and surf the Internet securely. Quick Hide IP - Hide your internet identity, so you surf web while hiding real IP and location.
