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Video Hoster 5.31

Description: Run and develop applications targeting .NET Framework.
Version: 5.31
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Publisher: Micro Technology
Limitations: Limited functionality
License: Free to try
Price: Free to try (Limited functionality); $149.99 to buy (Buy it now)
Requirements: None
File size: 22.01 mb.
File name: hosterdemosetup.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 16:28
Download, 22.01 mb.

Smart Math Calculator - Run and develop applications targeting .NET Framework. AVI Converter - Run and develop applications targeting .NET Framework. Mouse And Keyboard Events Recorder - Run .NET Framework applications. Yahoo Historical EOD Data Downloader - Run .NET Framework applications. TSSI .NET SMTP Component - Develop the (E)SMTP based eMailing applications in .NET framework. SpeedCap - Allow Visual J# applications to run on computer running MS .NET Framework (x64). Fast Image Resizer - Install required .NET Framework runtime and associated files to run 64-bit applications. Scripter.NET - Add .NET Framework script engines into applications and execute code at run time. PHPharo - Develop Web sites and applications using a fully-featured framework.
