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VoxCommando 2.150

Deskrizzjoni: Jieħdu l-kontroll tas-sistema multimedjali tiegħek jew il-kompiti awtomazzjoni dar mal-vuċi tiegħek.
Verżjoni: 2.150
Pjattaforma: Windows
Sistema operattiva: Windows Vista/7/8/10
Pubblikatur: VoxCommando
Limitazzjonijiet: 30-kmand per prova sessjoni
License: Liberu li tipprova
Prezz: Free to try (30-command per session trial); $33.00 to buy
Rekwiżiti: Microphone or mobile Android device running VoxWav
File daqs: 9.03 mb.
Fajl isem: VC Setup 2.150.exe
Rilaxx: 18.07.2015 19:47
Niżżel, 9.03 mb.

Snappy Portable - Capture the entire desktop, the active window, a portion of the screen, or an object. Snappy - Capture the entire desktop, the active window, a portion of the screen, or an object. Citrix XenConvert (64-bit) - Capture any active window or a rectangular portion of it. Clipboard-Save-As - Capture any active window or a rectangular portion of it. Titlebar Date-Time Portable - Display date and time on active window of the desktop. Titlebar Date-Time - Display date and time on active window of the desktop. ShotX - Take screenshots of the entire screen or active window. Hornil StyleCapture - Capture various parts of the screen or the entire desktop. VSDC Free Screen Recorder - Jiġbed u jirrekordja desktop kollu jew żona speċifika u joħolqu preżentazzjonijiet, tutorials, videos demo.
