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Wise Game Booster Portable 1.38.47

Deskrizzjoni: Itejb PC tiegħek u jagħtu spinta lill games tiegħek billi klikk waħda.
Verżjoni: 1.38.47
Pjattaforma: Windows
Sistema operattiva: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Pubblikatur: WiseCleaner
License: Free
Prezz: Free
Rekwiżiti: Xejn
File daqs: 1.38 mb.
Fajl isem: WGB.zip
Rilaxx: 18.07.2015 18:37
Aġġornament: 27.10.2016 04:20
Niżżel, 1.38 mb.

Windows Live Photo Gallery - Take snapshots of anything on your computer screen. Mozilla Firefox 64-bit - Take snapshots of anything on your computer screen. Animoby Screen Capture - Capture snapshots of anything on your screen. Anrpro Screen Capture Tool - Capture and edit snapshots of your screen. ChequeSystem - Ipprovdi kontroll istampar u l-ġestjoni soluzzjoni sħiħa. Awesome Screen Capture - Capture snapshots of screen easily. Ignite demo - Create snapshots and track your computer's vital aspects. Night and Day story for Windows 10 - ScreenSizer is a handy utility that makes it easy to figure out how big a big screen TV, a projection screen, or a computer monitor will be. HyperSnap - Qbid immaġini minn iskrin tal-kompjuter tiegħek.
