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Video Software > Video Editing Software

t@b ZS4 Video Editing Software 0.94

Description: Store your personal files in a folder that can be converted into a protected system folder.
Version: 0.94
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP
Publisher: t@b
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 2.31 mb.
File name: t@b_zweistein_win32.exe
Release: 17.10.2016 00:52
Download, 2.31 mb.

BlackBox Folder Locker - Store your personal files in a folder with password protect. CodeInventors Backup - Copy the files and folder structures to a folder. Cryptex - Encrypt files and store them locally or in your cloud provider's folder ImageMagick - Save personal data to any destination folder, removable drive, or network space. LockIT - Lock or unlock any folder in your system. SqlBackup.io - Take backup of MSSQL databases and store to local disk, network folder, FTP Server, cloud. AutoCleaner - Clean up the system's temporary folder on a daily basis. Benq S2W 4300U/3300U - Make an exact copy of any PC disk (HDD, SSD, USB, CD, DVD, Blu-ray) and store it into a folder. Caps Lock Indicator - Unlock file or folder locked by system processes or applications.
