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Utilities & Operating Systems > Maintenance & Optimization

Ashampoo HDD Control 2017 3.10.01

Description: Record video and motion detect from your camera.
Version: 3.10.01
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 7/8/10
Publisher: Ashampoo
Limitations: 10-day trial
License: Free to try
Price: Free; paid upgrade available
Requirements: None
File size: 13.04 mb.
File name: ashampoo_hdd_control_2017_24331.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 06:07
Update: 17.10.2016 01:05
Download, 13.04 mb.

Watcher - Detect motion in front of the camera and record the events to the hard drive. PhonerLite - Detect motion in front of the camera and record the events to the hard drive. Network Icons Pack - Monitor your IP cameras remotely, detect motion, record video. AbelCam - Control your webcams, record and broadcast video, detect motion, and transfer records via FTP. The Sims 3 World Tool - Capture video using your webcam with motion detect function. Snapper - Detect motion and capture single or multiple video channels simultaneously. TubeSucker - Detect motion and capture single or multiple video channels simultaneously. CTSCameraViewer - View video from the web camera, record video, and upload the recorded video to YouTube. Lesop Camera Studio - Capture and record video from camera or screen.
