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Utilities & Operating Systems > File Management

Atlence FileTime Manager 3.0

Description: Change the timestamp of files/folders by a simple click or automation and monitor file timestamp.
Version: 3.0
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: Thomas & Mathieu DUBAELE
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: .NET Framework 4.0
File size: 3.96 mb.
File name: filetime_manager.exe
Release: 21.07.2015 15:10
Download, 3.96 mb.

NewFileTime - Get access to corrections and manipulation of timestamp for any file and folder. NewFileTime (64-bit) - Get access to corrections and manipulation of timestamp for any file and folder. Moo0 TimeStamp - Modify timestamp of your files. Easy Code Signing - Save and search Timestamp URLs, certificates, and private keys for signing codes. Folder Watcher Windows Service - Monitor folders for file changes, deletions, or new files being added. Outlook Express Email Saver - Create folders based on a simple text file. Organize My Files for Linux - Organize files in a simple click. Spring Design & Validation - Change bitrate of MP3 files in one click. Remo More - Clean up junk files, fix issues, and speed up your PC with a simple click.
