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BioWeather for Windows 8 Not available

Description: Show you all biorhythm data readings from your Windows 8 PC.
Version: Not available
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows/8
Publisher: VGPHONE LLC
License: Purchase
Price: Purchase; $1.49 to buy
Requirements: None
File name: External File
Release: 21.07.2015 14:14
Download, 0 mb.

Anemometer for Windows 8 - Show weather data on your Windows 8 device. Monitor My BP for Windows 8 - Allow you to find and organize your blood pressure readings from Windows 8 device. Throttle - Plot your biorhythm patterns and compare them with your partner's. Java Packet Analyzer - Show packet data, header, and all the attributes in a tree format. My Daily Readings - Record and track your medical readings. Fisheye-Hemi - Create Microsoft Excel Mekko charts that show three dimensions of data. PDF Image Stamp Server - Create Microsoft Excel Mekko charts that show three dimensions of data. Diabetes Charting Made Simple - Create a graph of your blood sugar readings. My Daily Glucose Readings - Record up to eight blood glucose readings per day.
