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Christmas Card Maker for Windows 8 Not available

Description: Create Christmas greetings cards to send to friends and family.
Version: Not available
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows/8
Publisher: Webber-Cross Software
License: Purchase
Price: Purchase
Requirements: None
File name: External File
Release: 21.07.2015 06:43
Download, 0 mb.

Free Christmas Card Maker - Create Christmas cards to send your best wishes to your friends. Christmas Card - Send animated Christmas card to your family and friends. Popmoney for Windows 8 - Send or request money from friends, family, or just about anyone at all. Slogan Maker for Windows 8 - Create slogans to entertain your friends and family. ShareIt - Create movies and slide shows from your photos and videos, and share them with your friends and family. Kooboodle - Get the photos you want from friends and family. Free Video Downloader - Play the US Monopoly on your PC with your friends and family. Birthdays - Keep track of the birthdays of all your family and friends. ScareFriends - Scare your friends and members of your family.
