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Developer Tools > Database Software

DBeaver 3.5.1

Description: Manage databases and browse database metadata contents.
Version: 3.5.1
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: JKISS
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 19.43 mb.
File name: dbeaver-ce-3.5.1-x86-setup.exe
Release: 18.07.2015 19:27
Update: 06.10.2015 10:29
Download, 19.43 mb.

DBeaver (64-bit) - Manage databases and browse database metadata contents. db2Gdba97 for IBM DB2 LUW - Manage db2 LUW databases with all monitoring and metadata information at a glance. ETU SQL for MySQL - Manage and edit contents of a MySQL database. Navicat Essentials for Oracle (64-bit) - Create, browse, and manage Oracle databases on your PC. Navicat Essentials for Oracle (32-bit) - Create, browse, and manage Oracle databases on your PC. Coollector Movie Database - Create, edit, browse, search, and manage databases objects. SSuite Axcel Professional - Create, edit, browse, search, and manage databases objects. PostgresDAC - Create, edit, browse, search, and manage databases objects. Softball/Baseball Team Calculator - Create, edit, browse, search, and manage databases objects.
