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DipTrace Free 2.3.1

Description: Design PCB layouts with an autorouter or manual routing.
Version: 2.3.1
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Publisher: Novarm
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 59.8 mb.
File name: dipfree_en.exe
Release: 21.07.2015 11:55
Download, 59.8 mb.

DipTrace - Design PCB layouts with an auto router or manual routing. DipTrace Free (64-Bit) - Design PCB layouts with an auto router and exchange designs and libraries with other automation tools. DipTrace (64-Bit) - Design PCB layouts with an auto router and exchange designs and libraries with other automation tools. JumboCAD EDA - Create PCB layouts, simulate electric circuits, generate Gerber files. eme9x6k.exe - Design your PCB's with ease and create your own layout. Kate's Video Splitter - Provide schematic capture and design layout of printed circuit board (PCB) designs. Free Split Video - Design circuit board layouts. LayoutEditor (64-bit) - Design and edit layouts for memories and IC fabrication. LayoutEditor Portable (64-bit) - Design and edit layouts for memories and IC fabrication.
