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FaceFinder 1.1

Description: Perform face recognition for security or other purposes.
Version: 1.1
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: BitsBlender
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: MATLAB Compiler Runtime v80
File size: 23.17 mb.
File name: FaceFinder v1.1a setup.exe
Release: 18.07.2015 23:33
Download, 23.17 mb.

Cool Reader - Create your face model and login simply and conveniently using face recognition. Luxand FaceSDK - Provide multi-platform face recognition and identification SDK. Torrex Lite - Log in to Windows and Web sites using secure face recognition. Navigraph Charts - Log in to Windows and Web sites using secure face recognition. Source Code Viewer - Add face recognition login to the standard Windows logon screen. Startup Faster - Organize photos with face recognition, easy tagging, and social media sharing. Mathwizard - Perform mathematical calculations for various engineering and science purposes. Atmosphir - Perform accurate music scanning and recognition. MyALPR - Perform automatic license plate number recognition.
