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Free Certificate Maker 1.0

Description: Create customizable gift, business, and educational certificates.
Version: 1.0
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: Media Freeware
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 8.01 mb.
File name: certificatemaker_setup.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 10:16
Download, 8.01 mb.

Video Flip Creator - Create a moving 60 images video gift that the guests can take home as a venue memorabilia. Spider - Create security certificates on PC. OpenSSLUI - Create security certificates on PC. Tunngle - Create educational based contents on PC. Microsoft .NET Framework - Create educational based contents on PC. CoolNovo - Create educational based contents on PC. Template for Word - Create posters, flyers, and certificates from pre-made templates. Kerish Doctor 2017 - Create interactive educational exercises, tests, and quizzes. TutorKit - Create tests for any educational subject and schedule your students' exams.
