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Utilities & Operating Systems > Portable Applications

Free Timer Portable 2.0

Description: Create countdown timers that display the remaining time as a colored section of a clock face.
Version: 2.0
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: Comfort Software
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 1.34 mb.
File name: FreeTimerPortable.zip
Release: 20.07.2015 06:32
Download, 1.34 mb.

Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter - Create countdown timers that display the remaining time as a colored section of a clock face. Video Mixing - Create countdown timers that display the remaining time as a colored section of a clock face. Free Countdown Clock - Set multiple countdown clock timers on your Windows PC. BatteryTimeCounter - Display percentage of battery and time remaining. Monopoly USA 2015 Simply Fun - Display 10 minute time countdown in seconds. Disk Space Analyzer - Display 5 minute time countdown in seconds. Inline Search for Internet Explorer - Set up an alarm clock, countdown calendar, and create reminders. Me Free Timer - Provide clock and alarm clock, stopwatch, countdown, sticky notes and calendar remainder. Desktop Clock-7 - Display the current time like analog clock.
