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Graphic Design Software > Animation Software

IceCube Builder 1.4.3

Description: Animate 3D CAD models for training, simulation, and commercial presentations.
Version: 1.4.3
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows
Publisher: TTS Technology Transfer System
License: Free
Price: Free; free for educational use
Requirements: None
File size: 49.05 mb.
File name: IceCubeSetup20130304.exe
Release: 21.07.2015 13:16
Download, 49.05 mb.

Winamp Lyrics - Learn basics of 3D CAD with this introductory 3D CAD package with motion simulation capabilities. Staff ID and StaffTracker - Design and animate talking avatars for using in any commercial or personal Web page. Bartels AutoEngineer - Get a commercial CAD tool for electrical and computer engineers. Photomatix Pro (64-bit) - Create non-commercial CAD designs using free AutoCAD LT compatible software. Vuze Leap - Pose, animate, and render 3D Models in your own 3D Studio. NewCAD.NET - Get a collection of 3D modeling, rendering, light, simulation as one of 3D CAD component. Team2Team - Share your PC with others for presentations, brainstorming, training and more. EWD 3D - Create, edit, view, and print 3D CAD models. PowerShape-e - Build 3D CAD models and create detailed engineering drawings.
