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MP3 & Audio Software > Audio Production & Recording Software

Kirara Encoder Portable 1.2

Description: Encode or decode your audio or video files.
Version: 1.2
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7
Publisher: Lee Kiwon
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
File size: 0.09 mb.
File name: 132F6E49515017032939BE
Release: 21.07.2015 11:36
Download, 0.09 mb.

Brother's Keeper - Encode or decode your audio or video. TamilKey - Encode or decode your audio or video. FLAC Frontend Portable - Encode, decode, and fingerprint the audio codec files. FLAC Frontend - Encode, decode, and fingerprint the audio codec files. Japplis Toolbox - Encode and decode files on PC. Japplis Toolbox Portable - Encode and decode files on PC. Crypto 2000 - Encode and decode files you want to protect. Stands - Fair AdBlock - Decode and encode files using the Base64 algorithm. MPC Batch Encoder - Encode, decode, and ReplayGain batch music files.
