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Educational Software > Science Software

RadSlice ImgServer 3.76

Description: Capture and store studies from DICOM equipment or PACS software, and transfer them to your doctors.
Version: 3.76
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: RadSlice
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 9.21 mb.
File name: imgserver.exe
Release: 21.07.2015 00:26
Download, 9.21 mb.

SonicDICOM - Store, manage, and view DICOM data. Makhaon DICOM Storage - Store and manage data obtained from the different medical diagnostic equipment. ABCAUS - Excel Accounting Template - View DICOM files and edit DICOM header and anonymizer. Sante DICOM Viewer - View DICOM files and edit DICOM header and anonymizer. Equipment Rental Tracker Plus - Provide equipment rental management software for rentals, inventory, services. Free Language Translator - View medical DICOM images and view DICOM information. Winfy - Capture screenshots and store them automatically. Canvas Dicom Printer - Print anything to your EHR/EMR or PACS system as Encapsulated PDF. Flash Website Design Pro - Print any document directly to a PACS, send to Film, or generate a DICOMDIR CD.
