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StampGrab 3.51

Description: Create customizable links to your Stampin'Up store.
Version: 3.51
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows 7/8
Publisher: Rick Medlock
License: Free
Price: Free; paid upgrade available
Requirements: None
File size: 1.59 mb.
File name: stampgrab_setup.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 10:20
Download, 1.59 mb.

Link Shell Extension (64-bit) - Create hard links, junctions, volume mountpoints, symbolic links, and folder clones. Link Shell Extension - Create hard links, junctions, volume mountpoints, symbolic links, and folder clones. Clock Face - Manage and store your links and passwords. Mesh To Solid for Bricscad - Store and manage your Adfly links. WebIssues (64 bit) - Store bugs and other information with comments, customizable attributes, and file attachments. WebIssues (32 bit) - Store bugs and other information with comments, customizable attributes, and file attachments. WebIssues Portable - Store bugs and other information with comments, customizable attributes, and file attachments. Instagrator - Create links out of Instagram hashtags. New Workbook Assistant - Create customizable worksheets for Excel.
