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MP3 & Audio Software > Music Management Software

Surebo Mediawees 1.0

Description: Provide a media player and playlist manager.
Version: 1.0
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Publisher: Surebo
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: .NET Framework 3.5
File size: 0.88 mb.
File name: MediaweesSetup.zip
Release: 21.07.2015 11:14
Download, 0.88 mb.

TSR Watermark Image Software Pro - Provide a DLNA certified media player for the digital home. Pixar Total Video Converter - Add video player with playlist to your website. joesVLC - Use VLC player modification to get a better handling with playlist. Free File Recovery - Synchronize your iTunes playlist with any MP3 player. VLC Codec Pack - Play video, audio, movie, music files in Windows Media Player and VLC Player. PlumPlayer - Listen to music with folder and playlist based player with integrated Ken Burns slideshow viewer. Breeze Player - Play media files with a lightweight media player. Softfreak 3D Media Player - Play media files with a lightweight media player. InerziaMonitor - Provide fast Task Manager replacement.
