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Productivity Software > Calendar & Time Management Software

TimeRecorder for Windows 8 Not available

Description: Help you to know what time you spent for what work.
Version: Not available
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows/8
Publisher: Jochen Rieseberg
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File name: External File
Release: 21.07.2015 06:53
Download, 0 mb.

XiXi Work Time Tracker - Track the time spent on your work. WorkingTime - Track time you spent for each project, keep history of work, and generate attractive reports. TimerSystem - Keep track of the time spent on different tasks over time. MapleXP - Track the time you spent on a certain task. MapleXP Portable - Track the time you spent on a certain task. JTime Manager - Keep track of time you spent on different activities. Computer Fitness Hebrew - Control the time spent on a computer. Project Clock Pro - Track the time spent on different projects. Project Time Control for Windows 8 - Count how much time you have spent on each of your projects.
