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Science Software

DiaTrack 3.04 Benchmark object tracking for 2D and 3D applications.
DEREK 3.0 Explore and analyse dynamical systems.
DiaTrack 3.04 Extract quantitative information from image sequences based on particle tracking.
Pre-Pumping.net 1.1 Perform calculations and diagnosis for fluid pumping systems.
SimThyr 3.3.2 Simulate pituitary-thyroid homeostasis.
Pathomx 3.0.2 Analyze and visualize scientific data.
CASC 1.1.0 Get help whenever you convert concentrations, dilute or mix solutions, or prepare a new solution.
Bate 1.1.0 Record, edit, and convert audio files easily.
Colourful Solutions IB Edition 4.22 Provide an educational science software for teachers and students of IB Diploma chemistry.
Body Fluid Counting Chamber 1.0 Count cells in body fluids.
WBC Differential Counter 3.0 Count cell types as you view slides under microscope.
Elk (64-bit) 0.8 Evaluate tests, model soils, design structures for your geotechnical projects.
ZoomX 1.01 Learn the science concepts with the help of SVG and raster images.
RCCalc 1.0 Calculate resistance and capacitance of resistors and capacitors.
Voltage Drop Calculator 1.0 Calculate the voltage losses in the power cable.
Distribution Transformer Calculator 1.0 Calculate characteristics of an distribution transformer.
Data-Lightning 1.4 Automate complex data acquisition, perform analysis tasks.
Shadows 4.0 Plan and build your own sundial and astrolabes.
RehabNet Control Panel 09.14 Bridge a large number of tracking devices and interfaces with the RehabNet Training Games.
Arc Flash Analytic 5.0.8 Calculate incident energy and arc flash and shock protection boundaries in electrical equipment.

352 programs in this category / 18 pages.
1 2 3 4 5 ... 18
