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Utilities & Operating Systems > Applets & Add-Ins

dirPrint 1.0

Description: Generate file listing of chosen folder (& sub-folders) with file associated graphics.
Version: 1.0
Platform: Windows
Operating system: Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8
Publisher: Alon Systems
License: Free
Price: Free
Requirements: None
File size: 0.7 mb.
File name: dirprintsetup.exe
Release: 19.07.2015 14:28
Download, 0.7 mb.

SpriteSheetGen - Generate 2D sprite sheets from a folder or GIF file. Free File Hash Scanner - Scan files within a folder and generate the MD5 file hash. Storage Savings Estimator - Generate file server reports, show top file types, file age, and other stats in a graphical form. TCP/IP Manager - Auto-run a chosen file as soon as your CD is inserted. Fallout Mod Manager - Copy Blu ray to disc, file folder or ISO image file. Ank Zipper - Compress a file or folder into a Zip file with password encryption. String Master - Split one file of string data into two or more files in accordance with the chosen mask. DVD Demuxer - Generate text file with detail description of every data file extracted from DVD. Search KWIC Concordance - Count and display word frequencies in a text file, html file, xml file or a docx file.
